Reacciones al artículo: “Represión en la era de Deal” y al fotomontaje que acompañaba la misma

Estas son algunas reacciones recogidas por El Nuevo Georgia, generadas por la publicación del artículo mencionado en el titular, en la edición 271, de enero 6-2011.

Atlanta 17 de Enero 2010,

Sr. Rafael Navarro


Nuevo Georgia

Estimado Rafael,

Por medio de la presente y con mucha pena el día de hoy e visto la portada de su periódico con una falta enorme de respeto al Gobernador del Estado de Georgia. Sr. Nathan Neal, a quien usted personifica como Adolfo Hiltler, esto es provocador de parte de un periodista profesional.

Como hispana que lleva viviendo en el Estado de Georgia casi 20 años y que siempre a respetado su labor como periodista, hoy le pido y le sugiero que se modere el tono de los artículos que se escribe, ya que así no estemos de acuerdo con diferentes partidos políticos, debemos ser concientes del impacto en los resultados positivos o negativos al lector, es de su responsabilidad como comunicador dejar sentado un mensaje positivo , en especial en estos tiempos tan difíciles, de lo contrario el mensaje se convierte en amarillista e incendiario y esto es lo que hoy en día debemos evitar.

La prudencia y educación es una de las calificaciones de un periodista ético y profesional, hay muchas formas de comunicar las diferencias de opinión y ser pluralistas hacia la comunidad. Un medio de comunicación imparcial y democrático digno de representar a la Comunidad Hispana en el Estado de Georgia, debe llevar un mensaje positivo con altura, educación y dentro de un tono sano y respetuoso hacia todas las tendencias sociales, religiosas y políticas.


Patricia Boezio

En nuestro sitio web, Will Jones, escribió:

January 19, 2011 at 4:25 am

Those who promote and protect illegal Hispanic Roman Catholic immigration, pawns in the historic war between the Old Sectarian Order of “king and pope” and Our New Secular Order’s American Exceptionalism which in 1776 recognized Individual and the People’s sovereignty over false elite rule serving “the few,” who now invoke Hitler to disparage American patriots combating Rome’s organized invasion for conquest of America, Jeffersonian whig by the Creed’s three mottoes, whose “marching orders” to their excess slaves of Latin America to go to America to take the jobs of non-Roman Catholic Blacks no longer willing to be fascist plutocracy’s “de facto” slaves since the Civil Rights movement are openly published: “The National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry,” Publication / Office of Publishing and Promotion Services, United States Catholic Conference, No. 199-7, are enemies of all that true Americans know to be holy.

When confronted by irrefutable evidence that, institutionally, the Roman Catholic Church, identified by Th. Jefferson, America’s Author, Founder, and Prophet, as “the real Anti-Christ,””an engine for enslaving mankind” (the city of Rome, whose motto was “Urbis et Orbis” – City and World – centuries before “Pontifex Maximus” stopped meaning “Caesar” and started meaning “pope,” was “the “Wall Street of the global slave trade” for over 2,000 years), was “morally, ethically, and legally culpable of having committed the Holocaust” through its catspaw Adolph Hitler, the response of a paid member of the Roman Catholic global academic legal elite was: “Anti-Roman Catholicism is the anti-Semitism of the American intellectual,” the same sentiment expressed thirty years later in the Roman Catholic “The Daily Beast.”

Aren’t “intellectuals” supposed to be smart, and give the right answers?

Rome funded the rise of Hitler and Nazism to combat the threat of Marxism (1937’s papal bull “Divini Redemptoris” triggered Kristallnacht and the Holocaust): through its American collection plates (the largest cashflow in history); its correspondent bank (the Rockefeller family bank lately discovered fraudulently and treasonously putting the stateside wives and children of soldiers and Marines serving in combat in Afghanistan and Iraq out of their houses and “on the street”), the Rockefellers’ “bagman” Prescott Bush (who mentored and fathered two of JFK’s and Dr. King’s assassins to send us as catspaw to Roman Catholic-ruled Vietnam, Richard Nixon and GHWBush), and Bush’s fellow papal knight Fritz “the Rockefeller of Germany” Thyssen, author of “I Paid Hitler.”

Once our border is sealed, the multi-generational treasons of Rome’s Fifth Column addressed and the assets of Rome’s fascist plutocracy in Our Land seized (Rockefellers “put on the street:” justice for Chase Bank’s treachery), including those of its pedophile Babylonian “church,” only then can we begin the civil discourse surrounding those illegal immigrants who wish to become assimilated English-speaking Americans free of the treason of their papal, Fifth Column, church hierarchy.

Until then, if Nathan Deal is genuinely fighting for Georgia’s People against the transparent and published designs of the Anti-Christ system we escaped, yet entrenched in Europe and Latin America, if he keeps his graft and corruption to a bare minimum otherwise, he and righteous politicians like him, will always have my vote.

CBS Atlanta, escribió:

Governor Deal Depicted As Hitler

Hispanic Newspaper: Deal Represses Hispanics

By Mike Paluska, CBS Atlanta Reporter

NORCROSS, Ga. — El Nuevo Georgia, a Hispanic newspaper, published a doctored picture of Gov. Nathan Deal dressed like Hitler.

The editor of the newspaper told CBS Atlanta News the idea was to grab people’s attention about what will happen under Deal’s leadership.

In Spanish, he told CBS Atlanta’s Mike Paluska why the newspaper to chose Hitler.

“It’s a way to draw attention to what’s happening. It’s a way to show what the people are thinking. Maybe it’s disrespectful, but we are in a moment when people feel they are being attacked by the system,” said Navarro. “People are scared of Deal and fearful. The message is, we have to be aware of what’s going to happen, and we have to be more active in the community. We can’t lower our level of discussion.”

CBS Atlanta showed the picture to people on the streets of Atlanta. Many were offended.

”I think it’s terrible — also, about being Jewish, it’s even worse,” said Roland Gurin. “Why would anyone do anything like that, make him look like Hitler? It’s a total disgrace.”

One man on the street said the picture doesn’t bother him.

“No, this is America,” said Jonathan Kester. “We have a right, the very nature of the point of what’s occurred is a result of this. We are now going to have a dialogue about it and I am going to do my homework to find out what’s going on.”

Navarro said it’s open dialogue he wants to have with Deal.

“To arrive to a point to start discussions, so we all are aware what the conversation is and what we are going to follow and what can we do so we aren’t hurt anymore,” he said.

Deal’s spokesman, Brian Robinson, released this statement: “Those who can’t formulate a coherent argument in our society’s marketplace of ideas often resort to childish, even offensive, tactics. This is pathetic.”

Legislators at the state Capitol also weighed in on the image.

“I actually think that’s absurd, and almost not worth commenting on,” said Rep. Barbara Sims, District 119.

“I can’t put myself in the thought process of someone that is that crazy to dream up something like that. It’s just completely repulsive. I can’t believe someone would make that comparison in a statement,” said Rep. Mark Hamilton, District 23.

“People stoop to new lows every day. I don’t know why they come up with something like that,” said Rep. Howard Maxwell, District 17.

Rafael Navarro

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