Humans Being More®

 Humans Being More®

Si te sientes agobiado por los problemas que día a día tienes que enfrentar, o si te sientes frustrado porque no has logrado alcanzar tus objetivos, tus sueños o tus anhelos; hay una gran oportunidad de desatar todo tu potencial este 26 y 27 de Enero en Dunwoody en el extraordinario seminario HUMANS BEING MORE® que en esta ocasión vamos a tener el enorme privilegio de tenerlo en Atlanta.

Este seminario en particular se va a llevar a cabo totalmente en inglés. Es muy importante hacer notar que Nikken University está permitiendo que jóvenes de 16 a 22 años de edad, puedan asistir gratis acompañados de un adulto que pague su entrada. Para ver si hay lugares disponibles gratis para jóvenes puedes llamar al 678-379-9606.

A continuación está la información del evento en inglés:

Get to know somebody truly exceptional. You. Humans Being More® — a life-changing experience.

It’s not a business seminar. Although it can help you be more successful in everything you do. It’s not some self-help program that promises to make you a different person. Instead, Humans Being More® helps you to understand yourself — to define your needs and values — and shows you how to achieve precisely those goals that are important to you.

Humans Being More® training is an intensive, two-day experience for men and women who want to know who they are, what they truly want in life, and how they can achieve it, through a self-discovery process.

For more than 25 years, hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have experienced the profound transformation made possible through Humans Being More® training.

Presented by Nikken University, this program is open to anyone. More than 99% of attendees say they would recommend the course to others. It is a fantastic experience!

Humans Being More® training offers many benefits:
-Take charge of your life with firm resolve.
-Gain clarity on how to reach your personal goals.
-Improve listening and communication skills.
-Achieve more control in all areas of your life.
-Learn how to get the results you want, and how to help others do the same.
-See and experience real evidence that your dreams can be made real.
-Discover why people act in certain ways, and how to create lasting, deep and meaningful relationships.
-Learn about the importance of your values.
-Enjoy interacting in a way that supports your dreams and those of others.

Here’s what participants say about the program:

“Humans Being More® has made me believe in myself and feel that I can do anything I set my mind to.”

“I saw the barriers between me and my goals as obstacles I can overcome.”

“Humans Being More® helped me feel focused, stronger, more committed.”

“It lived up to all my expectations and then some. I highly encourage anyone to go.”

Many attendees find the experience so rewarding that they repeat Humans Being More® training again and again.

Great for Couples, Singles or Families. Free for 16 to 22 years old with a paying adult. January 26 and 27 at the Atlanta Marriott Perimeter Center in Dunwoody. Seating is limited and registration must be confirmed in advance. For more information on Humans Being More® training, call 678-379-9606.

Deseándote éxito en la vida,
Eduardo Silva
(559) 670-1037

Eduardo Silva

Eduardo Silva, originario de México, es ingeniero en electrónica egresado de la Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica, de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (FIME, UANL). Columnista de temas de tecnología y superación personal, quien escribió temas diversos para El Nuevo Georgia de Enero 5, 2011 a Agosto 28, 2014.

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